
The HIVE Tour - Episode 70 - 1st post COVID19 ferry trip reminded me how it sucks

 As you saw in the previous episode I waited for a later than late ferry at Ancona which is beyond ludicrous if you consider that this is the normality of the ferry companies for the last years. They don't give an F, they give you a departing time which is much earlier than the real one so they can cramp routes as much as possible as the ferry arrives, unloads and departs again. The good old days when the ferry was docked and you could enter even 2 hours before departure while the latter was accurate as a Swiss train are gone for good. Now they don't even sms you the delay as at least they used to few years ago.


The HIVE Tour - Episode 68 - Walking around Pugliano, West of St. Marino

Ladies and gents, this is a special moment in my trip. If you are following my adventures during this journey you already know that I started early May so this makes it my longest one by far. "By far" goes in time but mileage wise I am @ 8000km right now which equals my previous longest one so it is going to be the one during which I did the most kilometres too. But here at Pugliano is the last AirBnB I have to rent for this trip as it's the last place I stay before I take the ferry to Ancona back to Greece in a few days. So many months on the road and feels like yesterday...it's a feeling hard to describe but makes material for a later post.

Now I don't have time for such analysis cause among other commitments I think I must walk you around the village I stay. So, grab your comfy shoes and lets walk down this road:

The HIVE Tour - Episode 67 - Bye Veneto, ciao Chioggia, hello Emiglia Romagna

I've written a lot about the farm I stayed here in Veneto but now that is time to leave it behind I have to praise it for one more time due to the generosity of its owner. Dear Lucia treated me with this really nice wine: