Rather promising spot to leave a car and start walking isn't it? At least that's what I think.
How I ended up here? I had a look at this,
and I thought there's got to be something worth looking up there. Didn't expect exactly what I found though - fancy discovering with me? Let's see what this is about:
The location is amazing (more on that soon) but this shitty wall spoils the view instantly. There's a rather considerable real estate behind it though so I go closer to have a look:
By the looks of that door above it's a no brainer this thing is beyond deserted but I knew that beforehand as the satellite images expose the lack of roofs. I didn't expect to find that amount of trash outside it though:
I wonder whether that's an act of looting, unfinished attempt of renovating or just people around who find it convenient to use it as a dump area. Hard to comment in any case, especially speaking of a place with such view:
Let's focus on the main target again:
That sign on the door used to read something but after ages exposed to the sun it's completely pale now and that's one of the rare times that it's all "Greek" to not only you but me as well.
Funny to see how the sun has also litteraly melted that light cover at the door:
Behind the door unveils part of the lost grace of that real estate:
As intriguing it might be to imagine how that thing would feel back in the day when it was in good shape I can't digest this shitty cheapo wall that surrounds it:
That view though...
Near the high end of the wall is this funny bit that looks like the rock invaded the property:
From this point you can get a good idea about the contrast between the wall and the view:
There's two flower pots made of stone located at this end of the property:
That tree feels and is pretty cramped right here:
Which is actually where the largest gate of the whole thing is:
While this image speaks for itself, a closer look to what this sign reads says even more:
Contrary to the other sign this one is less pale hence it's readable. Don't rush to think that its paint is better, that's only because it looks less South than the previous one does hence it gets less sun.
So, it's obviously literally all Greek to you but the sign says that this thing was built in 1970 and was legalised and excluded from being demolished due to a law of 1977. It also has a phone number for anyone seeking info or documents. Lots to comment on that but most importantly the fact that it reminds as the client system between politicians and voters. A bit weird that the owner decided to expose his phone numbers (not just one but two of them). Logic says he might have been trying to sell it but I didn't find any sign "for sale" around. Maybe he was afraid that the authorities might take some action - go figure... However, the phone numbers say a lot about when this sign was written: 7 digit land lines in Athens changed to 10 digit more than 20 years ago.
This is how the road that leads up to this entrance looks like:
And a bit of overview of this lovely view point:
The road short of continues behind the property so let's have a look:
I can't have enough of this view:
The fence is in terrible condition and so does the rest of this property but with a view like this I can't stop taking pictures:
Even when the sea is not in sight the view remains worth looking at:
How this would feel the inside the property back in the good old days? It's not hard to imagine:
It's an absolute WTF at first glance. Abandoned BBQ? Gotta check it out.
As I climb up there the view gets even better:
Turns out it is an abandoned BBQ indeed:
Semi demolished as it is it looks even weirder. Was it part/annex of the previous estate? Probably but can't confirm this. There's also this furnace next to it both were probably one piece prior demolition:
Here's how they look like from the back:
Now I am more convinced that it is part of the rest estate cause whom else could it belong to as there's nothing else around but also because on the image above you can see the very same concrete bricks used for the fence of the main property. Still it's weird AF to see this thing standing there on its own in this condition.
However, the uninterrupted view up there is not weird at all - it's stunning if nothing else:
With or without the deserted bits:
Just imagine a BBQ party up there...
I step down to the main property again and I find even more trash around it:
Walking around I find that the South part of the fence is a stone wall, much better than the rest concrete crap:
Probably many corners were cut financially on this project and this was one of them. I follow the stone wall:
I notice at this point that one bit of the property looks much less deserted than the rest - chances are that it was among the last to be lived by either the owner or a watchman:
No idea how come these wires though:
I also find a mount for a satellite dish:
That bit combined with a sign I found which dates back twenty years ago (at least) leads to a secure conclusion that the property was probably abandoned late 90s or very early 00s.
After all these years the vegetation around it has gone wild of course:
Walking around the perimeter of the property I find what I suppose is the water pipe that used to supply the whole thing:
Just by looking at this hilarious thing (a water pipe of that size for a thing like this fully exposed) one can understand under which conditions this thing was built and how "legal" it was but I have explained part of that in part 1.
I keep walking around that wall:
Halfway uphill I find one more entrance, the smallest so far:
Let's have a look inside:
As you can see it's all bare and empty, either by the owner or looted or (probably) both.
The fence in this terrible condition contrasts the priceless view:
Interesting to see there's used grinding disks outside the property - I wonder if they were used for renovation or looting:
All shorts of trash around:
Yes, even a GM air filter cover:
Fortunately the view is still good enough to vanish those ugly bits:
In the following video you will have the chance to listen to some birds singing while I shoot 4K clips around this property:
See you on the next one!
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