"After the above picture there's nothing in common anymore kiddo"
With a heavy heart I must admit that it's not just the fact that my beloved US as we knew it is over but maybe not even god knows when it's gonna recover from this. Trump makes a small (or not so small) coup everyday. Whoever stands in his way is threatened to be a victim of his mob (let me remind you there's lots of guns casually held in US). Institutions might not survive this time like they (semi) did the previous one. Musk has access to all sensitive sectors of US and god knows the hacking he will do to this (ex) democracy as their only goal now is to not lose the power EVER.
Who's gonna resist to all this? I'm laughing and crying at the same time. The groupies of Bernie? The groupies of Greta? The haters of Israel? The haters of Capitalism? There's no sanity anymore in the US society except the Clintons and the Republicans against trump. That's what happens when the saturation of a society who has never experienced war meets decades of soviet/russian propaganda. Elica Le Bon describes it perfectly here.
So what's next? Obviously, the burden (or virtue) of leading the free world goes now on European shoulders. Can we deliver? I wish I had a straight answer. Many European societies are not that different to US unfortunately for the exact same reasons. However, more Europeans have realised what's really at stake, especially North East ones. Poland, Baltics, these guys have suffered from russism and know the danger very well. Meaning they are also ready to fight. And that's the keyword my friends: Fight.
Let's be frank: first step to survive this mad changing world today is to finally admit we have a WAR. Not trying to sugar coat it as "hybrid". And not just at Ukraine's east border. The more China sees that democratic societies consist of spoiled babies like in the US the more is convinced that democracy is hopeless and they should take advantage of the moment. When we become brave enough to admit there's a war going on by all means (not just guns but by disinformation, sabotage, finance etc) we will be brave enough to fight for it. We're not gonna get through this in taxedos, not even in our coffins.
Can we fight? First of all we HAVE to. Ukrainians survive so far with chances to win because they didn't waste time thinking whether they can or not. Us Greeks managed to have the state we do today because 200+ years ago didn't waste time thinking if we can kick the Ottoman empire out of our land or not. And yes, of course I think we CAN do it now. BUT, we really have to act on top of our game. Europe used to be a geostrategically castrated continent as a result of huge influence of russism and Merkelism. Europe became German centered, russia bought Germany, problem for russia solved (I wish it was only Germany sold to russia though...).
EU has to double its balls. Is there a hope for this? Yes. Starmer in UK seems to be the best guy Labour party could have. From his very first moments as PM he clearly showed he's the perfect opposite of Jeremy Corbyn. He has already steered UK back to EU. Makron knows what's to be done, Melony, Tusk, Kalas, the Baltics, up to our PM Mitsotakis. The thing is that European societies have to be prepared for the on going WWIII. And at this moment I am afraid the people are much less prepared than their leaders, needless to mention that some like Makron will be over in the next elections. And the russian propaganda does its best to keep people unalerted, distracting their attention to the real danger.
Greece is among the perfect examples of the above unfortunately. A week ago we had a gathering for the 3 years of the last (and not only) russian invasion in Ukraine. Participation was pathetic as it seemed to be almost exclusively Ukrainians there. Yesterday, demonstrations for a train tragedy 2 years ago due to a mistake of several train employees (mainly one of them) took place across the country and flooded the streets. All the russian influenced media (meaning almost all Greek media) have been trying to convince people through all these years that the government tried to cover this up. Not even all the families of this tragedy support this and no such evidence was found so far. However, job was done. It's easier to convince people about 57 tragically lost Greeks than 15.000 Greeks killed by russians on Mariupol alone if russian propaganda is on your side. (Not so) fun fact: zero demonstrations about 104+ dead due to mishandling a wild fire by the previous (not as anti russian) government. (Not so) fun fact 2: Zero demand for state employees assessment in the "train" demonstrations.
Dear Europeans, we're alone. It will take an age for US to realise and then act accordingly and then try to recover the unthinkable mess trump/musk will leave behind them, especially considering that they will probably never decide to leave power in the first place. From one point of view it served us right. For decades we were the babies of the West, having US do the dirty but necessary job of being the global police keeping the wolf outside our door. Instead of thanking them for that, we often demonstrated outside their embassy playing the pacifist hippies while we were actually the useful idiotic puppies of russia. Needless to say that we opened the door to the wolf ourselves via illegal immigration.
There's a price to pay for excessive stupidity sooner or later and this time is now. BUT, it is also a historic time for us to finally man up. It's our land and our way of life at stake and it is obvious that WE finally have to fight. Be suspicious to any news that try to distract your attention from that. Wear your boots and get ready to live a fantastic future in which we will remember the heroic days of freeing Ukraine and keeping the wolf outside the door for the next generations. Or die watching wannabe models on IG. Your choice, your future.
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