
Winter walk in summer(ish) weather (part 4)

Had enough sea beauty from my previous parts or there's no thing like enough?

As I continue walking West I have to get back on tarmac as the coastal path led me to a dead end:


Winter walk in summer(ish) weather (part 3)

If you follow my posts or are a native one you know how kids (of various ages) like to spray their attitude on every blank space around here, even outside the urban web at coastal areas where you can only find hotels and cottages:


Winter walk in summer(ish) weather (part 1)

Or in other words the wonders of spending your time over Hellenic soil. You wake up, take your breakfast and start walking by the coastline of the Athenian riviera:


Του Οδυσσέα ωδή στον Άδη

Βλέπω και ξαναβλέπω το βίντεο με το τραγούδι της Suzanne Vega για τη Μαριούπολη: