They say "Carpe Diem" right? I have no reasons at all to not apply it here in the German West so I'm out to see what is what on a nice day but with a challenging sky photography wise:
I like my neighbourhood here at Eschenau Obersulm:
Especially this old house looks like it came out of a cartoon:
It's time to deviate though and leave this town behind to seek more natural beauty:
After only a few steps I already feel this was a good move - want an apple?
This is a stereo beauty experience here, see the left and right view:
You know nice things are waiting ahead when vehicles are restricted:
And this place is no exception:
It's all German to me but this place looks like a bird's heaven for sure:
And a wine lover's heaven too:
This hill at Eschenau looks already promising and it becomes obvious that I must make it all the way to the top so up I go:
It's so picturesque already and I am not even close to the top:
Guys who stay here are lucky. Like this one with this beautiful fence on my left:
And the one with this tiny cute door on my right:
Both implying that living here seems rather peaceful. Enjoy some views to Eschenau as I go higher and get high on views:
I like these two pairs of brown and green:
That's the view behind me as I go up:
I said it's a wine drinker's heaven right?
And as I keep going up,
it just becomes even more obvious:
I hope you are sober cause I'm still far from the top. Here's a nice tree at the next bend with a bench:
I guess you can imagine why the latter is here. Yep, it's the view:
Grapes, grapes, and more grapes:
I still have way to go to make it to the top:
But every single time I look down I'm sure it worth the effort:
So I keep walking through these vineyards,
and walking...
Stopping only to picture their fruitful beauty:
At this moment I think you deserve a picture of the sky that challenges my camera:
Back to the grape view but...there's a bit of a plot twist in the background this time:
This seems to be a local attraction:
It's all German to me:
I love wood so I like this place instantly to the view of this:
Looking at this though it makes it clear that it's the local grill hut, the second one that I accidentally find in Germany:
It's all German to me again but I agree with the prohibitions, especially with the first one:
Gotta move on up:
Bye Grill Hut!
This sign restricting traffic is promising an uninterrupted walking joy on this West German hill near Eschenau:
And unsurprisingly it delivers so. I see some whit polls though in the background of this green heaven:
Also unsurprisingly that's because of one more vineyard among the countless ones around here:
Ideal location for those generous trees too:
Time to move on up:
A little deviation never hurt anybody:
As you can see it leads me to more generous trees:
and a nice view:
Let's go back,
and continue walking up:
This tree practices "living on the edge" but who knows for how long:
The shade of these tall trees make my walk even more enjoyable:
But this red mate brings things to another level:
It matches my pants:
And my shirt!
What a matching couple we are! Gotta move on though.
There's so many deviations one can take here,
but I don't have unlimited time in my hands so I have to move on:
Left or right?

Both are tempting but I want to make it to the top so I go right.
That's the name of the spot? Could be:
Lot's of logging around here but no one is surprised I guess:
Nature, the timeless green painter:
The more I walk this route the more I wish I had a bicycle on my way down:
I still have way to go to the top. More signs of logging:
Another Left or Right dilemma:
Vehicle restrictions in German:
I continue right as this is the way up:
Logging and more logging:
Left or right again:
Left goes up but not the way I want it to:
In the middle I get the same sign again:
Therefore Right is right:
Walking/cycling heaven:
Loggers have a lot of work here too:
the view of this antenna behind those trees is the first sign that I'm only steps away from it:
However, I see a sign pointing to a hiking trail:
Yep, unsurprisingly I follow it:
Seems to be a good choice as it leads me to this hut which actually is THE highest point of the hill:
Nothing fancy inside:
Looks much more cute from the outside, especially at this angle where the merciless sun doesn't ruin the image:
While one has the option to sit here,
it doesn't make sense to walk all this way up without enjoying the view. this bench allows you to enjoy both though:
The view to the fields below, Affaltrach town and Breitenauer lake is simply stunning:
Now it's all downhill for me, literally, so let's go back to that antenna though it obviously can't impress me as much as the view just did:
My birthplace is full of such stuff but I didn't expect to see these up here:
This thing is tall enough to start a "fans only":
Not as beautiful though at all:
On my way down I see something that looks like a trail:
So instead of going back via the paved way,
I jump into the woods:
Soon there's not much of a trail left but it's walkable:
This place is so full of tall trees that it barely gets any sun hence it actually never dries:
It's so heavenly to walk in here:
The art of nature at humid places:
Trail is kinda lost again:
And when I find it later there's more muddy puddles:
I'm loving it though:
And the green art of nature:
The trail is about to end leading to the tarmac in the backgroung:
Thank you sweetheart, see you next time around (god knows when this will be... and if 🙂)
I might be walking on tarmac now but I'm still in the nature's hug where I meet some cute fungi:
The route leads me back to the grill hut which I covered on the first part (a) of this series:
Now there's three ways to choose from:
I take the one that feels the shortest to me cause it's getting hotter and I've walked already a lot. It was and still is a fruitful walk though, literally:
I so love the green contrasting the blue/white sky:
Though I'm already quite tired I see this tempting deviation:
I soon abort it though as it feels more like invasion of privacy:
I told you I follow a tarmac route but that doesn't mean I can't walk over this wonderful green carpet:
Finally I'm back at Eschenau where I stay and I must say it's not a bad neighbourhood at all:
In the following video you can watch bits of the whole walk in 4K:
Thank you so much for following, see you on the next one!
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