Weather might be better but it is still challenging and not quite early summerish yet. Therefore, every chance for a dry ride should be taken hence I am rolling my wheels over Croatian soil:

As you can see it's just overcast weather but no other drama as I leave Vidrenjak behind heading towards Popovaca:

After Popovaca is where the fun starts heading North East and especially after Gornja Jelenska as I start riding in a green heaven:

With all the water this area receives on an annual base it's not that much of a surprise but it's literally as green as it gets. Lovely as the straights are like the one above, the countless curves are also a joy to enjoy on a bike:

When the dense green heaven widens up, at Podgaric, I drive up to the local WW II monument:
That oddly looking thing you see above was build in the memory of the "People of Moslavina", victims of the fight against the Nazis during WWII.
Before that stairway on the left is a cement formation that kinda looks like a trench but now instead of bombs it's her majesty nature who has taken over the duty of destroying it:
The view from the top of the hill where this monument is located offers great view to the local lake and the surroundings:
I thing it looks even more odd from this angle:
It's still early morning and I'm all alone in front of this product of the 70s Yogoslavian aesthetics which feels kinda post apocalyptic to me:
Time to step in. This metal sign on the floor says the story in its native language:
A couple of steps later, the monument welcomes me in its own spookish way:
Halfway on the corridor you saw above are 2 openings, left and right. Of course the right is more interesting as it opens a window to the local lake:
While the left is just here to remind us that nature likes to paint in green:
Now look at that thing and feel free to comment it below:
This cross between a shield and coat of arms in the center has several stickers and writing on it:
I wash my eyes for a while by looking at the lake below:
Sweet view isn't it? Now brace yourself cause here's the rear view of the monument:
In case it hurts you can wash your eyes again in green - here's what the monument sees at its rear side:
The whole area is very beautiful and made my ride up to here very scenic:
But it's time to ride back now so here I am walking under this name it...whatever:
You see, history is a bit unfair with generations. One has to die so the next one (me for example) is able to take such pictures on a peaceful morning like this, escorted by comments about the optics of the whole thing. And vice versa, the fuck ups of one generation usually affect the lives of the next one...
Let's go back to more scenic things so here's some view to the area of the lake from closer as I start making my way back:
And here's the canal that supplied the lake with water:
Here's my iron horse waiting to be ridden:
Here's the road behind me:
And the road ahead that I have to ride to get me back:
Not bad at all right? Hence I am not the only biker enjoying this route:
Now it's time for the million dollar (or euro if you prefer) question:
Who's hungry?
Me for sure after all this. Today's dish: sausage with fries and farmer's salad:
Easy and guaranteed way to make one's belly happy. Thank you chef! (Oups, that's me 🙂).
You can watch the ride and the monument in this 4K video, with (as usual) my original music:
Hope you enjoyed it, see you on the next one!
*Read all about HIVE at
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