This is my last night here South of Munich and I am lucky to wait for my friends Andreas and Tina to have dinner together before we say goodbye. I'm killing time picturing these beauties which are more than plenty around here:
Still at my killing time, I wonder if this thing still works:
If it does I'd be surprised almost as much as vinyl's comeback in music industry.
Still killing time, watching the Bavarian flag pole in the distance:
Its colours ring a bell to any Greek:
Triggers thoughts to me about writing a post on the relations between Greece and Germany. It's actually a subject to write a whole encyclopedia and a much more diverse topic than some people might think but...who knows... maybe one day. Too busy now.
My friends are here so we all get in their car to make it a few km away to a super traditional Bavarian restaurant. This one in case you wonder. We catch a table next to the stove:
As you can see it's all Bavarian as it gets in here, including of course the personell's dress code:
You want to see what I ordered right? Well, there you go:
They had a small and bigger version of it, I told Andreas to order the small one for me unless it's too small so this arrived. Not sure which one is but to get an idea how tasty it is, you can see that I first started eating hence the missing bits on the right and then remembered that I should take a picture of it as well. With a bit of good will and effort I got the job done:
Almost, cause no job is fully done without a dessert. Crème brûlée anyone?
Yes, kinda epic dinner and a proper goodbye to my good friends. Thank you so much for all Andreas and Tina, see you on the next chance!
I fall like a brick on my bed and feel like a brick is still in my stomach next morning. Not as much fun as it was consuming that "brick", especially since I have to pack, load the bike and drive all the way up to the North East end of the region now. I put my burden and the burden of me on my bike and my first views while riding are kinda soothing this weird morning impressions:

What is not soothing me is the traffic I face as soon as I arrive at the first traffic lights:

In any other occasion I could be a little more patient but my condition and the km I have ahead of me don't leave too much space for waiting. Therefore I try to filter the traffic in the most efficient but discreet way possible:

I must admit I am a little surprised that some drivers make way to me:

Do I look pathetic enough even inside my new fluo yellow helmet? I'm more than happy about it anyway.
The road opens up a little later,

but the new 30km speed limits and the radars don't allow much hurry:

I wave goodbye the local green fields,

and here I am on the autobahn:

You may say "how lucky!" to the view of the packed opposite direction while mine is almost empty. Well wait for it cause...

it's a fucking Sunday and all the campers are on the road. Which soon makes the autobahn look literally like a parking lot. Literally:

Driving the Greek way I could skip this effortlesly but since locals don't do it I don't want to either. As you can imagine under such conditions crawling at bored turtle speeds the interest (if any) lies at the sides of the road:

Around a couple of hours on the road I feel like making a stop to drink some water and check the oil level of my bike just in case:

Fortunately all good except that my bike blocks access to the water tap for the truckers so one of them starts speaking to me in Greek, in full friendly manners. I had to pass 3000km to meet the first Greek speaker and he's not even Greek. He's Albanian.
That's the Greek linguistic stats of my trip so far, here's the road's stats at a more pleasant scenery:

It's right to look on the right around here:

After all this autobahn boredom it's time to turn right to Bayreuth's area:

The closer I get to my AirBnB the better the whole area feels:

Here's the video of the ride:
My host is a super friendly lady, the neighbourhood looks so lovely and I even have some space to spare my iron horse from the sun and rain:
If that space looks like a mess to you (and it is) you should have seen it before I tried to make space in it for my bike.
Can't wait to explore this sweet place!
Stay tuned so we explore it together🙂
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