Still struggling to find slots of good weather here in Croatia so that I can enjoy rides around and later you can enjoy what I harvest out of them. The forecast looks good for today but...look at how the day starts:
Not really attractive right? Not feeling like early summer either. Fortunately it clears up for good hours later which makes me jump on my saddle after a decision made at lightning speed.
The monument I showed you in my previous episode was North East of my location, time to visit one in the South now. I leave the town of Popovaca behind and head towards the downside of the map on a typical scenery for this part of Croatia - low houses and a fair amount of green:
After Potok the lack of houses unveils the shades of green this flat area has to offer:
By the end of the next settlement, Struzec, green becomes greener and denser:
A joy to ride on such a nice day with moderate traffic. I leave the smooth tarmac to follow a gravel road that leads to Spomen Park Brezovica, a local monument about WWII:
As you see it goes in through a jungle looking forest for a while with lots of potholes until it leads you to... this:
I get off the bike for a couple of shots trying to find the best combo of light and shadows:
This is how the path that took me here looks like with the monument in my back:
If you know Croatian then you can retrieve more info about this monument than I do:
Seems that this is where the first anti Nazi group of local Partizans was formed in 1941 hence this monument was built in 1981:
Part of which is this piece too:
Green is at amazonian levels around here:
The whole thing from one more angle:
After these pictures you can imagine the wood resources of this area. Now you can see where some of them end up:
Not that the water resources are not great too. Idle clear water on a full sunny day does reflective wonders:
It's a sweet neighbourhood here by this river actually:
But it's not all that sweet in the absence of food so I'm going back to cook something.
Anyone else hungry except me? Bon Appétit!
For dessert I have a video of the ride and the monument:
See you on the next one!
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